Saturday, June 6, 2015

Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right!

Over the last few weeks I have been exposed to an extreme amount of driven, excited, yet challenged women. Myself included. As my pageant sisters and I prepare for the national competition (taking place in less than 4 weeks now!) we are carrying with us a plethora of emotions.

It is easy to let the idea of winning and competition challenge our thoughts, unless we choose to remember that every thing we do in this life is about the journey and the experience. At the end of the day, each of us will show up to our national competition as our very best self. However, only one girl will win, and it isn't up to us who that person will be. The only thing within our control is being entirely ourselves, prepared for greatness no matter what the outcome of the competition is on July 3rd.

What I've come to realize in sports, pageantry, work, and life in general, is that as long as you are showing up with your best self and your best intentions, you've already won - always. We just can't allow ourselves to forget about enjoying the journey.

What I've gained through my experience with the Miss United States Organization to date has been life-changing. This organization is a fully supporting family of talented, ambitious and positive people. When I am feeling great about nationals, they are excited for me, and when I am feeling discouraged, they are right there to lift me back up. As I go on preparing myself for nationals, one thing continues to ring true:

"Whether you think you can or you think you can't - you are absolutely right."

4 weeks to go - lets do this!

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