Saturday, May 16, 2015


I haven't had much time for sleep lately. Actually, it has been nearly impossible to get more than 3-4 hours in one night for almost 3 weeks now. Not entirely due to a lack of trying though. Many nights I will fall asleep early enough, but wake up mid-night with some worry on my mind and never be able to fall back asleep.

Today, I finally have a morning where I have no where to be until 9am (this is a miracle in my book). However, I was still awake by 5:30 because I simply couldn't sleep. Darn it!

I have been noticing how much of an impact sleep (or lack thereof) has on my health - nearly as much as food & fitness, actually. Without a proper night's rest, my body (and probably yours too) simply cannot function at its peak. Not only has my brain been in complete zombie mode for the past few weeks, but I absolutely struggle to get moving, especially at the gym. Workouts that used to be easy for me are very difficult, and problems at work that use to take no effort are now grueling. In addition to this, I am finding myself more emotional, worrisome, stressed, and irritable - and who wants that?

Through my research of the Whole 30 Program and really striving to be strict about health over the next few weeks (during my journey to nationals in Washington DC), I am learning how food has a profound effect on one's sleep. According to my research, when we eat foods that don't agree with our bodies it actually does have the tendency to keep us up at night. With the right, healthy, whole foods, our bodies are able to rest more easily without interruption.

This is more motivation to stay on track - I need sleep, darn it!

The pageant is in less than 7 weeks now. I will strive to get some good food, activity, and rest for my body to prepare me for the magnificent adventure of the national competition!

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