Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Eating Whole 30

I've been saying for weeks that I'm going to start another "Whole 30," but my social life keeps allowing me to make excuses (woe is me). I started fresh again today by waking up early to prepare proper meals so I wouldn't get stuck at work making excuses such as, "Well I'm starving, and its only one cookie ... [one cookie as big as my head, but its still just one]." Ooops.

I've been great all day, but now the hard part begins ... dinner time! Dun dun dun.

I'm meeting someone at a new restaurant in a few minutes (he says its great, I've never been), and little miss adventurous me loooooves trying new food. So how do I stick to my Whole 30 guns while still enjoying the yum yums? With will power, of course!

The reason I love Paleo and the Whole 30 program is because it keeps my body in shape -- not what everyone might consider the "perfect" shape (whatever that even is), but the shape that is suitable for my body type and preference. Additionally, it gives me energy, helps me sleep better, makes me feel good all around, and because there is a way to eat alongside the "guidelines" of Whole 30 without feeling deprived no matter what restaurant I scurry off to for the evening.

I'm writing this blog post partly because I'm excited about nearly finishing Day One and being one day closer to completing another Whole 30 challenge, and partly because I needed to get this out there to the world to encourage me to stick to the plan.

I can do this - here I go! Yum yum yum :)

1 comment:

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