Thursday, April 9, 2015

Show a Little Love

I read an article today called "6 Ways to Boost Your Body Image and Self Esteem." I found that it relates well to what I've been trying to communicate over the past few months -- accepting your body, and treating it with love.

According to the article, the majority of men and women react negatively when thinking about the least favorite part of their body -- some as often as once per hour. What?!?! I'll admit, I have more than one body part I'd like to improve, but we have got to move our thoughts away from constantly criticizing ourselves, and work harder at displaying some love.

I was recently introduced to a wonderfully impressive woman, author, and entrepreneur named Louise Hay. Louise was diagnosed with an "incurable" cervical cancer in the 1980's, and she attributes the development to the resentment she held over her childhood abuse and rape. She refused conventional medical treatment and instead began a regime of forgiveness, coupled with therapy, nutrition, reflexology, and occasional enemas. Now, 30 years later, Louise continues to live a very fulfilling life, and she inspires many men and women through her work -- including yours truly!

When I read the article linked above, I immediately thought of the work I have done for myself through Louise Hay's inspiration. Louise has a number of publications and a website where she encourages folks to enroll themselves in positive affirmations. These affirmations are meant to be read allowed and often to enforce our own self-worth. For me, they have proven to be very powerful! I am a firm believer that the things that we think about manifest into reality. Therefore, for me, it is critical to stay positive.

What reading that article today reenforced for me is that we are in charge of our own thoughts, and we are capable of removing negativity to once again believe in our self worth. It claims the following 6 things will aid in achieving confidence and esteem:

1) Get the facts. Everyone is fighting their own demons. Look around you and be realistic about how rare having the "perfect body" really is.

2) Stop comparing. You have very unique qualities. Exemplify your best self and appreciate what you have. Seriously!

3) Step away from the mirror. Or at least, don't let the mirror allow you to shame yourself. Change any negative thoughts to be thankful, grateful and proud of the person you see, knowing that some things (such as weight) can be changed. Find some positive affirmations to say to yourself when negative thoughts enter your mind.

4) Focus on health before appearance. I completely agree with this one, as this is what I, myself, have struggled with over the past few years. When we get an image in our minds of what perfection looks like and we take unhealthy steps to achieve it, we truly aren't helping anything. Embrace your health, and treat your mind, spirit and body with respect, and it will surely transform you into the perfect version of yourself. After all - if you ruin your body, you'll have no where else to live!

5) Change what you can. Lets face it, some things are simply beyond our control. However, others are not, and you can take action to change them if you really want to.

6) Live a passionate life. This is the icing on the cake. When we have a life with purpose, passion and love for ourselves and others, we don't have time to focus on negative body image because we are too involved with the things that make the world go 'round.

I have certainly never heard anyone at a funeral saying, "Boy, so-and-so sure was thin her whole life, good for her." No! They say things like, "Wow, so-and-so was an inspiration. She really lived a fulfilling life helping others, being kind ..." etc etc.

Look deep inside and determine what your best self looks like, then work hard to achieve those results. We live in a wonderful world where are all in charge of our own thoughts and actions. Stop complaining and thinking negatively and get out there and shine! Really ... go! :)

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