Monday, April 20, 2015

Fats & Whole 30

I've spent the last 15 years of my life trying to avoid foods containing "fats," because like so many other people, I was afraid that fats would make me fat.


The decision to start consuming fats on a regular basis was maybe one of the top 5 best decisions I've ever made. Everyone is different, and you can easily do a quick google search about fats and read plenty of interesting information, however, what it really comes down to is experimenting on yourself.

When I discovered the power of adding fats into my diet, I also discovered the positively wonderful world of Paleo. I had attempted to eat a diet inline with the Paleo lifestyle for quite a few months without success, having far too many cheat days here and there. Then I discovered the Whole 30 program. This program insists on a very strict Paleo regime for 30 full days, without an ounce of cheating allowed or you must begin all over again.

My first Whole 30 challenge was in January 2015. I really put in the time, effort & commitment during this month, and I saw an incredible transformation. I just began a second Whole 30 challenge yesterday, as I would like it to kick-start my training for the national Ms. United States Competition in July.

Here are some of the things I noticed during my first Whole 30 challenge that I hope to discover again this time around:
  1. Eating more fats kept me much fuller for much longer
  2. I never felt disgusting after eating, even if it was a gigantic amount of food
  3. I lost a significant amount of weight without adding any additional exercise to my routine
  4. I didn't feel the constant urge to snack; I could go many hours between meals without suffering
  5. For the first time in my entire life (ENTIRE. LIFE.) my digestive system was working properly
  6. I didn't look or feel bloated
  7. I slept through the night without waking up once, and I fell asleep quickly
  8. I stopped nodding off at the wheel or during boring meetings (major plus!)
  9. I was able to lift harder and run faster/longer during workouts
  10. I haven't been sick for one single day since changing my diet
Overall, I just felt better and happier by the end of the 30 days. When I came off the challenge, I still ate mostly Paleo foods, but with a little more flexibility.

I am very excited, and will definitely keep you updated on how this challenge goes. For now - I've got to go eat some fats!

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